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Touch recognised as a Great Place to Work for 2nd year running

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Published Online: May 4th 2023

Touch Medical Media has had a remarkable year of success, achieving several certifications in recognition of the company’s efforts in creating an outstanding workplace for its employees. The company entered the UK Great Place to Work award scheme in 2022 and was certified as a UK Great Place to Work and awarded a UK Great Place to Work for Women 2022. Not stopping there, the company listened to the feedback from the company-wide survey and made further improvements to its policies across Maternity, Adoption, Paternity & Fertility, Training & Development, well-being, Health & Safety.

On Wednesday 26th April, Touch Medical Media was back at the Great Places to Work award ceremony. Touch had a table of 10 at the event at Tobacco Dock in Wapping, London. Thousands of companies applied, and only the top 100 were awarded and ranked. Touch was ranked 38th in the 2023 Great Place to Work for Wellbeing in the medium size company category and 73rd in the 2023 Great Place to Work in the medium size company category. These certifications reflect the company’s ongoing efforts to create a supportive and thriving workplace for its employees.

Touch previously received recognition in the 2022 Great Place to Work certifications, where it was ranked 33rd in the small-size company category and 26th in the small-size company category for the UK Great Place to Work for Women. These certifications demonstrate Touch’s commitment to maintaining a high-quality workplace for its employees.

Barney Kent, the company’s CEO, expressed his gratitude for the employees’ hard work and dedication, which helped the company achieve these remarkable successes. “These awards are a recognition of the amazing people we have working at Touch, their dedication, commitment, and hard work shines through! We have built a world-class team across the group and are on course for yet another record-breaking year, here’s to our continued success,” Barney said.

Touch’s success also received media attention, featuring in The Guardian on 27th April 2023 and the Sunday Times on 30th April 2023. The company’s achievements are a testament to the excellent working environment that it provides, and the efforts that it puts into ensuring employee wellbeing and development.

The company’s success would not be possible without its exceptional employees, including those who attended the awards ceremony, namely Gill Brooks, Katie Slaouti, Katey Gabrysch, Jane O’Dell, Lily Wiseman, Katie Bickford, Emma Lewis, Linda Rudnick, and Katie Emeryl. Their dedication and commitment to the company’s goals have contributed to making Touch a great place to work.

Touch’s commitment to creating a supportive and thriving workplace has not gone unnoticed, as demonstrated by the company’s excellent rankings in the UK Great Place to Work award scheme. The company’s ongoing efforts to improve policies and benefits have resulted in a work environment that employees are proud to be a part of, and the recognition that Touch has received is a testament to this.

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